Understanding The Cause, Symptoms And Risks Of Spinal Infection

The spinal column is an extension of your central nervous system and an essential part of the human body. It is responsible for supporting and housing the spinal cord- which connects the brain with the rest of the body. Thus, any infections in the spinal cord can be life-threatening. Spinal infections occur when bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms invade your spine or surrounding space and cause inflammation or other complications.

If you experience any discomfort or mobility issues over an extended time period, it is best to consult a spine infection specialist doctor in Ahmedabad such as Indospine and get to the root cause before it turns hazardous.

This blog will help you understand the risks, causes, symptoms, and prevention tips for spinal infection.

Risk Factors and Causes of Spinal Infections

Spinal infections are rare but fatal. Bacterial invasion in your bloodstream or low immunity increases the risk of getting a spinal infection. For instance, people taking immunosuppressants(whether after an organ transplant surgery or medication for an autoimmune disease) are prone to suffer from secondary infections. They generally range from mild infections like colds to severe infections like osteomyelitis.

Additionally, according to the best spine doctor in Gujarat, people who have undergone spine or pelvic surgery are at a greater risk of contracting spinal infections. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, if the surgical instruments are not properly sterilized, they become a significant breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. And secondly, your pelvis is very closely connected with the spinal cord, and if any bacteria infiltrate the pelvic veins, it can result in spinal infection.

UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) also increases the risk of contracting spinal infections. Infections like pneumonia and TB can also spread to the spine from the lungs. Diabetes, cancer, HIV, and malnutrition are other reasons for getting a spinal infection. Drug abuse, long-term use of steroids, and spine trauma can cause spinal infections.

Symptoms to Identify the Infection

Like any other infection, the symptoms of spinal infection vary with the severity and location of the infection. Some common signs that point toward spine infection include:
  • Back pain is the most common and generally ignored symptom of spinal infection. Back pain from infection can worsen during the night or strenuous physical activity.
  • Fever is the most obvious sign of the body trying to fight any infection.
  • Neurological symptoms like weakness, numbness, or tingling may occur depending on the location of the infection.
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Muscle spasms in muscles surrounding the spine may occur.
  • Mobility may be affected, and one may feel stiffness in the back.
  • Significant Weight Loss due to unexplained reasons is also a major and common symptom for chronic infections like spinal tuberculosis

Treatment and Prevention

Antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal drugs, and painkillers are frequently used to treat spinal infections. Surgery might be necessary in extreme cases to remove infected tissue or release pressure on the spinal cord. Moreover, physical therapy may be suggested to help with pain management and mobility enhancement.

Some common prevention tips include:
  • Practicing good hygiene
  • Getting vaccinations
  • Managing chronic conditions
  • Avoiding IV drug use
  • Following post-operative care

Wrapping Up:

Spinal infections are potentially life-threatening conditions and can cause significant pain and potential complications. It is vital to consult the best spine doctor in Ahmedabad if you feel any symptoms before it’s too late. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for minimizing complications and improving outcomes.


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